
  • Viktor Pavlenko




martial law, law enforcement agencies, national security, institutional interaction, information support.


Peculiarities of the interaction of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine with the EU countries in the conditions of martial law. The aforementioned scientific article outlines the issues of ensuring the cooperation of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine with EU countries in conditions of martial law. The theoretical and practical interest in the study of the legal security of military security is primarily related to the socio-economic and geopolitical changes that have taken place around the world in recent years. In modern realities, Ukraine faces many problems, the solution of which is directly related to the identification and analysis of sources of real and potential threats to national interests. The purpose of this article is to study individual forms of cooperation between law enforcement agencies of the EU and Ukraine under martial law. The author comes to the conclusion that the effective functioning of pan-European cooperation of states in the field of expert forensic and operational investigative activities is possible under the condition of constructive and multifaceted cooperation of the Council of Europe and the European Union both at the institutional level of the specified international organizations and within the framework of the activities of individual structures. The practice of applying an arrest warrant, as one of the aspects of mutual recognition of court decisions in criminal cases, has successfully proven that cooperation in the field of justice and internal affairs along the lines of expert-criminological and operational-investigative activities is possible without the harmonization of criminal and criminal-procedural legislation of European states, as well as without the creation of a model pan-European criminal code. The successful application of the European arrest warrant also gave the EU the opportunity to move even further in the direction of mutual recognition of court decisions – to develop several European warrants, including warrants for witness statements and investigations. The European Investigation Warrant is a special mechanism for the execution of one or more investigative measures within the framework of the investigation of crimes in the requested state in order to obtain evidence. Separate legal instruments were integrated into a single normative act, which contributed to the process of codification and progressive development of international law and replaced the traditional system of providing legal aid in criminal cases. The European Union, using new legislative powers in the field of expert forensic and investigative activities, moved to adopt legally binding normative acts that do not require national ratification on the most urgent issues of ensuring security and law and order in the EU.


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