
  • Oleksandr Kukhariev



inheritance agreement, acquirer, alienator, execution of inheritance agreement, dynamics of inheritance agreement, control over the execution of inheritance agreement


The article is focused on identifying the main areas of improving the inheritance agreement institution in the civil legislation of Ukraine. It has been emphasized that the norms regulating the inheritance agreement and structurally are in the Chapter 90 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, cover the law of contracts institution, but not law of succession. An inheritance agreement is a contract causa mortis, but not a contract on succession. It has been emphasized that the concept of the Civil Code of Ukraine does not allow to consider such an agreement as a type of succession along with testate succession and hereditary succession. It has been substantiated that the inheritance agreement according to its legal characteristics is unilateral, consensual and repayable. The researched institution needs updating taking into account the started process of recodification of the civil legislation of Ukraine. In particular, it is expedient that the Civil Code of Ukraine should enshrine a provision on the possibility to terminate the inheritance agreement by the court at the request of the person supervising the execution of the inheritance agreement, as well as at the request of the alienator’s lawful heirs in case of intentional homicide of the alienator by the acquirer. In addition, the basic power of the person supervising the execution of the inheritance agreement should be established in regard to filing the application to the court to oblige the acquirer to take certain actions specified in the inheritance agreement after the alienator’s death. Besides, it is important that the law should enshrine the stipulation that the powers of the supervising person are established by the agreement in order to ensure the proper execution of the inheritance agreement. Improvement of the inheritance agreement institution in the process of recodification of the civil legislation of Ukraine will significantly expand the application of the disposition of property mechanism upon the death of an individual.


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