
  • Kateryna Nesterenko
  • Pavlo Kamynskyi



control function, rule of law, public authority, public administration, public administration, control function of public administration bodies, administrative law, administrative and legal principles


Under modern conditions of development and functioning of statehood, the issue of modernization of public administration, intensification of the role of public administration bodies is gaining special attention. This determines the expediency of increasing the efficiency of the system of control over the activities of these bodies, the development of measures to improve the legal framework for state and public control over public administration. The content of the concept of “control function of public administration bodies” is analyzed, which is a kind of function of social control, which is a system of inspection by authorized entities (state bodies, public) of bodies and officials of public administration bodies, efficient use of material and financial resources. to identify violations of legislation and identify inconsistencies in the results of the task. The main measures of evaluation of the effectiveness of control measures are determined, which is carried out in the following stages: determination of quantitative and qualitative parameters of evaluation of control efficiency; assessment of the competence of control bodies or assessment of the effectiveness of internal and external control; development of measures to increase the effectiveness of management decisions in the implementation of internal control in the organization, institutions, etc. (characteristic of the stage of preliminary control) and to assess the effectiveness of the control function of public administration bodies, the following criteria are proposed: quality and completeness, reliability of information received by regulatory authorities; timeliness of control, regularity of control, objectivity of control, ease of control measures, efficiency and publicity of control results.


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