national interests, national security and defense doctrine, state policy, military aggression, post-war reconstruction, state sovereignty, territorial integrity, constitutional order.Abstract
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the need to update the issues related to the formation of the national security and defense doctrine of Ukraine in the context of Russia's military aggression and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Based on a retrospective analysis, the author presents Ukraine's past experience in formulating strategic documents of national security and defense. Detailed short, medium and long-term planning of the national security and defense of the state is associated with the need to determine priorities, tasks, means and ways of ensuring national security and defense by finding a balance between existing and potential threats and financial and economic capabilities of the state. The development of the national security and defense doctrine will create a methodological basis for lawmaking, strategic planning, development of the structure of national security and defense forces and means, and will contribute to Ukraine's further integration into the Euro-Atlantic space. The guiding documents of the national security and defense of Ukraine are distinguished: 1) concept (leading idea); 2) doctrine (theory, system of principles, views, guidelines); 3) strategy (specific decisions, goals). The national security and defense strategy is formed through the mechanism of managing the risks of such threats. When formulating its own system of external and internal threats, the state lays down potential tools for their elimination and overcoming, based primarily on national interests, which include the needs of the Ukrainian people to preserve and develop Ukrainian statehood and national values. The military organization of the country also depends on the correctness of their choice through the development of relevant state bodies and military formations whose activities are directly aimed at protecting national interests. The above needs to be elaborated and consolidated at the doctrinal level in order to prepare a new National Security and Defense Strategy of Ukraine for the postwar period. To this end, the national scientific thought should already raise important issues of both strategic and operational importance in order to formulate an effective doctrine of national security and defense of the country. Without a systematic development and thorough understanding of this complex of problems, it is impossible to outline and propose optimal principles of state policy in this area.
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