сommercial law, transport infrastructure, information technology, intelligent transport systems, transport management, post-war recovery, modernization, artificial intelligence.Abstract
This publication addresses the implementation of modern information technology in management and operational processes vital to the continuous operation of Ukraine’s transport infrastructure. It emphasizes the necessity of adopting intelligent transport systems (ITS) to address both immediate post-war recovery needs and long-term modernization challenges. ITS incorporates advanced sensor, computing, and communication technologies that enhance the safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability of transport infrastructure. The adoption of ITS aims to improve traffic management, reduce passenger and cargo transit times, and lower fuel and maintenance costs. Successful ITS implementation is crucial for sustainable growth and technological advancement in Ukraine’s transport infrastructure and broader economy. The publication also examines ITS deployment experiences in countries such as the UK, Italy, France, the Czech Republic, South Korea, and the USA. These nations effectively utilize intelligent systems for managing passenger and freight flows, automated traffic monitoring, and have identified key priorities to ensure transport safety and efficiency. Notably, these countries focus on programs for the development and deployment of high-speed rail, monorail systems, automated unmanned transport, and AI-driven traffic management.
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