European standards, employee rights, employee right to professional (official) career, European integration, adaptationAbstract
The article examines the standards of employee's right to a professional (official) career, enshrined in the acts of the Council of Europe and the European Union. It is established that the gradual harmonization of acts of national labour legislation with European standards of the employee's right to a professional (official) career is its adaptation. Forms of adaptation of legal acts of Ukraine in the research area are the adoption of new legislation and amendments to existing ones, which takes into account European standards of the employee's right to a professional (official) career. It is the effective adaptation of Ukraine's labour legislation to European human rights standards that is one of the guarantees for the successful completion of European integration and Ukraine's accession to the European Union. It is established that European standards of employees' right to a professional (professional) career are divided into general and special. The general standards of the studied law determine its structure, guarantees of implementation and in general the mechanism of provision (implementation, protection and defense). The content of the standards of the employee's right to a professional (official) career enshrined in the European Social Charter (revised) of 9 May 1996, the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers of 9 December 1989, and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union of 7 December 2000 year. Special standards of the right to a professional (official) career apply to certain categories of workers, which, as a rule, are related to the implementation of certain functions of the state (administration of justice, law and order, etc.) and enshrine special powers of relevant categories of workers to meet their needs and interests of property and non-property nature, associated with professional growth and/ or promotion of work (service).
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