fiduciary ownership, security for performance of obligations, credit contract, things, immovable things, movable things, property, property rights, property rights in rem, object of civil rights, object of civil legal relations, fiduciary owner, fiduciary settlor.Abstract
The article is aimed at determining the legal nature of the object of security fiduciary legal relations under current Ukrainian legislation. In particular, the author comes to the conclusion that due to the current trends towards the expansion of the objects of property rights by including not only things as material and spatial substances, but also intangible objects in the form of property rights and uncertificated securities, which, in turn, are covered by the category of «property», there are sufficient grounds to include to the object of security fiduciary legal relations not only movable and immovable things, but also securities and property rights owned by the fiduciary settlor on the right of ownership, provided that they can be alienated and enforced. This conclusion is also supported by the fact that both property rights and securities are endowed with material value and exchange price, which determine their negotiability and the possibility of transferring ownership of them from the fiduciary settlor to the fiduciary owner. At the same time, the author makes a reservation that an important prerequisite for property rights to be the object of security fiduciary property is that it can only be those property rights whose exercise will result in their transformation into tangible goods, for example, money or a thing in its traditional sense. With this in mind, the author substantiates the need for appropriate amendments to the Civil Code of Ukraine in terms of detailing the object of fiduciary property by analogy with the subject of pledge, which will facilitate a clear understanding of the object of fiduciary property as a way to ensure fulfillment of obligations under a credit contract and prevent its unjustified narrowing, including by public authorities. The author highlights the peculiarities of the legal regime of objects of security fiduciary legal relations. It is proven that the main characteristics of the fiduciary property object are high liquidity, non-consumability and individual certainty.
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