
  • Iryna Almashi




the right to a safe environment, safe environment, ensuring the right to a safe environment, state monitoring, monitoring the state of the environment, guarantees of environmental rights, environmental safety measures.


The article examines the issue of ensuring the human right to a safe environment as one of the fundamental human rights. The author analysed the legislation that regulates the law under study, special attention is paid to the novelties of the legislation, in particular, regarding the state monitoring system, the concept of "monitoring the state of the environment" was introduced, which is definitely a positive provision and will contribute to improvement in the field of ensuring human rights to a safe environment. The activity of authorized persons carrying out activities to ensure human rights to a safe environment is characterized. The author's definition of the concept of ensuring human rights to a safe environment is given in the article as a system of normative legal acts and institutions, with the help of which the right to a safe environment is enshrined in legislative acts and guaranteed, the realization of this right by a person is carried out, and responsibility for its violation is provided. The concept of "safe" in relation to the environment is revealed, the signs of the right to a safe environment are highlighted. The concept of "safe" in relation to the environment can mean its state in which conditions for a decent life and human health can be ensured. Safe conditions mean such a state of the living environment in which there is no danger of harmful effects of its factors on a person. Guarantees of ensuring the environmental rights of citizens and measures of environmental safety are analysed. Such problems as "safety" in relation to the environment under martial law conditions, the need to enter into force and put into effect before the end of martial law the provisions of Law No. 2973-IX, regarding the state monitoring system and the introduction of surveillance in territories that do not belong to so so-called "hot spots", the question of financing environmental protection measures in connection with the war and the priority of allocation of funds for national security and state defence is also problematic.


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