methodology, method, forensic methodology, investigation, crime against sexual freedom and sexual integrity, childAbstract
The formation of the methodological foundations of forensic methods of investigating crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of children requires the involvement of a system of methods of scientific knowledge to solve problems in accordance with the subject of research. This circumstance determines the features of the applied methodology of scientific knowledge, which is based on general scientific principles, and takes into account the peculiarities of knowledge in solving certain problems of law enforcement in this area. A wide range of tasks determines the appropriate approach to the methodology of the study of forensic methods of investigating crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of children, which is expressed in the methods used, according to the hierarchical structure: 1) dialectical method (universal); 2) general scientific logical methods (analysis and synthesis; induction and deduction; abstraction; concretization; generalization; analogy; idealization; formalization); empirical (observation, measurement, experiment, comparison, description), heuristic (intuition); 3) special methods of scientific research, namely special legal research methods (comparative law, historical law, dogmatic, system-structural, system analysis); 4) special methods of criminology – actually forensic methods (forensic identification, forensic diagnostics, forensic versioning) and methods of other sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, sociology, psychology, cybernetics), adapted to solve forensic problems. The methodological level of elaboration of the forensic methodology of investigation of crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of children provides for the coverage of both the process of investigation of crimes and their subsequent trial, during which the final knowledge of the crime. The forensic methodology of investigation of crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of children has the ultimate goal of achieving the objectives of criminal proceedings, which is possible only if the case is finalized on the merits.
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