timeshare agreement, tourism, tourism industry, timesharing, points system, rent, service, resort, hotel, hotel room.Abstract
This article examines the concept of timeshare in the context of tourism research, emphasizing its interdisciplinary nature, which includes economic, tourism, marketing and legal aspects. The authors aim to analyze the compliance of the timeshare practice with the needs and development prospects of Ukraine, considering it as an important element of the tourist infrastructure of the leading countries of the world. The study uses a combination of interdisciplinary approaches, drawing on tourism studies, legal, sociological and economic sciences to conceptualize the multifaceted phenomenon of timeshare. It uses historical perspective to clarify the dynamics of timeshare development. Timeshare, as defined in the Ukrainian Encyclopedia of Tourism, refers to a model of joint ownership of vacation real estate, where several buyers own intervals of use, usually in one-week increments, within the same property. The article classifies timeshares based on seasonal usage. The study draws upon American tourist scholars since the US has both the advanced theory and practice of timeshares. It also highlights the benefits of timeshare, including vacations at professionally managed resorts with high-quality amenities that meet consumer expectations for quality leisure time. Tourism should become an important element of Ukraine's economic recovery after the victory, as Ukraine will become a particularly attractive destination for travelers due to the heroism of Ukrainians. The article emphasizes the importance of infrastructure, both material and institutional, for the support and development of such tourist practices as timeshare in Ukraine. In conclusion, the study aims to contribute to the interdisciplinary understanding of timeshare in the field of tourism research, emphasizing its practical implications and relevance for the development of Ukrainian tourism.
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