


violence, domestic violence, psychological violence, threat.


The article studies the features of psychological violence as a form of domestic violence. Crisis socio-economic phenomena inherent in Ukrainian society, especially during the period of martial law, led to a decrease in funding for the social sphere, which, among other things, led to a negative reaction in the form of deformation of the socialization of new generations. One of the negative consequences of the impact of the crisis socio-economic phenomena on the family is the annual increase in the manifestations of domestic violence. It is noted that this problem concerns not only physical, but also psychological violence, a fairly common form of domestic violence. Psychological violence as a type of domestic violence has been the most common in our country in recent years. It is indicated that psychological violence is verbal abuse, threats, humiliation, harassment, intimidation, certain acts aimed at limiting the will of the individual, control in the reproductive sphere, if such actions or inaction caused the victim to fear for his safety or the safety of third parties, entailed emotional insecurity, inability to protect oneself or harmed the mental health of the individual. Most often, psychological violence is committed in the form of verbal abuse, threats, humiliation, harassment, intimidation. At the same time, the most common way of expressing threats is its oral or verbal expression during personal contact between the subject of domestic violence and the victim. It is concluded that given the difficulties that arise in proving the fact of the use of psychological violence, the whole range of legal measures should be applied, among which the conclusion of a forensic psychological examination occupies an important place, which, along with other evidence, is necessary to establish the fact of psychological violence.


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