legal culture, legal value, legal education, legal consciousness, youth.Abstract
The purpose of the study is to identify the main problems of forming the legal culture of modern youth. Using the systematic method, we outline the essence of the legal culture of modern youth as an integral system and its current unity. The formation of legal culture among young people in Ukraine is a matter of concern due to several major problems that impede its development. This study focuses on identifying and analyzing these problems in order to propose strategies to promote the formation of legal culture among young people. The study examines the impact of limited legal education in secondary schools, the influence of the Internet and social media, and the gap between young people and the state machinery. The lack of comprehensive legal education in secondary schools poses a significant challenge to the formation of a legal culture among young people. The removal of the subject "Jurisprudence" from the curriculum has led to a lack of knowledge and understanding of legal concepts, rights and obligations among students. This deficit hinders their ability to develop a strong legal consciousness and awareness. The dynamic development of the Internet and social media has both positive and negative implications for the formation of legal culture among young people. While the Internet provides access to a vast amount of legal resources, it also provides young people with destructive examples of illegal behavior. The prevalence of such negative influence can lead to disorientation of values and ethical guidelines, undermining the development of responsibility in legal culture. Solving these problems requires a comprehensive approach. Implementation of comprehensive legal education programs in schools, restoration of the subject “Jurisprudence”, development of critical thinking and legal argumentation skills are important steps to raise the level of legal awareness of young people. Efforts should also be made to promote positive and constructive online content, educating young people about legal rights and responsibilities in the digital space. Furthermore, fostering a sense of civic engagement and strengthening the link between young people and the state machinery through meaningful participation initiatives can contribute to greater respect for the law and the development of a legal culture.
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