
  • Oleksandr Punda



Administrative Law, subject of legal regulation, supervision and control over the labor protection, labor relations, public information, personal data, data bases, registers, military personnel, personal non-property rights, virtual assets, corporative management, corporative responsibility, rights protection.


The paper is dedicated to issues on the subject of the legal regulation of the branch of Administrative Law on the current stage of evolution of the legal system of Ukraine. The subject of Administrative Law is a dynamical category that changing permanently under the influence of social relationships. The processes of partial “squeezing out” of Administrative Law from the field of regulation of legal relations and replacing it with private legal means turned out to be controversial from the point of view of ensuring the effectiveness of the functioning of the state mechanism. The historical epoch of the trial of the Ukrainian nationhood and fighting against the russian aggression prove necessity of the comprehensive and responsible approach to many fields of the social life. Tools for public and legal regulation are strong basis of providing sustainability of the state and society, and a guarantee for providing private and collective interests. Current transformation of the subject of Administrative Law under the influencing of requirements of time and deployment of the reform in the field of Administrative Law caused the change of conceptual principles of administrative and legal relations. As a result, change of its essence and some spread had place. On the current stage, we can talk about including into the subject of Administrative Law such directions of regulation of social life as: administrative and legal regulation of social relations in the part of providing implementation of personal non-property rights by public authorities; administrative and legal regulation of circulation and protection of personal data, use of registers and other types of public information; administrative and legal regulation of circulation of virtual assets and control over non-cash payments, including for the purpose of applying effective methods of indirect control of taxpayers’ incomes; administrative and legal regulation of corporative relations with the participation of the state; administrative and legal regulation in the field of labor rights of citizens, supervision and control in the field of labor protection. Circumscription of Administrative Law is a very important and, simultaneously, implementing hardly, as current social and legal conditions are changeable. This changeable is caused by objective and subjective factors. Thereby, an activation of the scientific discussion on expediency of expanding, rethinking and clarifying the subject of Administrative Law is logical.


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