deinstitutionalization, institutional care, family-type orphanage, foster family, adoption, right to a family, an orphan child, a child deprived of parental care.Abstract
The article analyzes the current state of reforming the system of institutional care and upbringing of children in Ukraine under martial law. In particular, it was established that, taking into account the whole spectrum of negative consequences caused by the upbringing of orphans in institutions, which contradict the basic legal principles of ensuring and protecting the rights of children, the need to move away from institutional upbringing, which is traditional for most countries, as well as the global humanization of approaches to care about orphans and children deprived of parental care, including creating opportunities for them to grow up in a family environment, were urgent and obvious. Emphasis is placed on the need for a critical perception of any statistical data related to the collection of information on the number of children who were left without parental care during the war, given: the temporary occupation of the territory of Ukraine, which makes it impossible to access information on the identification of orphans and children deprived of parental care; large-scale evacuation of the population by state authorities, which leads to the disorganization of the accounting process of orphans and children deprived of parental care; forced deportation of children to the territory of the russian federation and other states that support the policy of the aggressor, etc. The urgent need for state bodies to intensify the process of monitoring and control in this area, in particular, the creation of a systematized large-scale database on the location of all children from residential institutions, was emphasized. It has been established that numerous attempts are being made by state bodies together with international organizations to continue the process of implementing the deinstitutionalization reform in Ukraine, despite the extremely difficult conditions in which our state found itself as a result of the armed attack of russia, which is manifested in making of a number of changes to the current legislation in this area in part of simplifying the process of placing orphans and children deprived of parental care, including those temporarily displaced, into such family forms of upbringing as family-type orphanage and foster families, as well as transferring children to the care and custody of persons who are with children in family relationships.
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