children's rights, unlawful deportation, forced displacement, change of citizenship, adoption, genocide, repatriation.Abstract
The article analyzes the evidence of the Russian Federation's commission of international crimes related to the unlawful deportation, forcible transfer of Ukrainian children, and their transfer to custody, change of citizenship and adoption in the Russian Federation. This constitutes a crime of genocide against the Ukrainian people, along with crimes of aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The real motives of the so-called humanitarian evacuations were investigated. Various methods of unlawful deportation forced displacement and forced assimilation of Ukrainian children within the framework of the systematic state program of the Russian Federation are considered. Violations of Russian norms of international law are analyzed in detail. The role of international organizations, in particular the UN, the Council of Europe, the EU, and the International Criminal Court in gathering evidence and bringing the perpetrators of the above-mentioned crimes to international responsibility, is considered. Attention is focused on the need for Ukraine to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The importance of cooperation between national and international bodies and organizations, with the help of non-governmental public organizations, is emphasised in the context of creating a mechanism for the international search and repatriation of Ukrainian children. It is essential that the State provides long-term psychosocial support for children (foremost orphans, children deprived of parental care and children with disabilities) upon return to Ukraine in order to restore their mental health resulting from mental injuries and to introduce children's rehabilitation programs based on international experience the countries that were at war.
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