law enforcement activity, administrative and legal status, crime, investigation, criminal prosecution, international assistance, offense, crime, responsibility, European police.Abstract
The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of Europol's activity, the essence of which is reduced to increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the relevant competent authorities of the EU member states and strengthening cooperation with them in the fight against particularly dangerous forms of international crime. Europol is equipped with special computer support to carry out its tasks. Its computer system consists of three elements: – the information system, where data is entered about convicted persons or suspects of crimes that are under investigation by Europol, as well as about persons regarding whom there are "serious reasons" to assume that they plan to commit such crimes in the future. – analytical system, where so-called work files are entered for the purpose of analysis. These working files are a tool for processing and systematizing data that is necessary for solving specific crimes. – a system of indexes that complements the system of work files (analytical) and facilitates use. With the help of this system, liaison officers can quickly search for information about crimes that concern their EU member state. Europol's powers have been analyzed in the field of terrorism; illegal trade in nuclear and radioactive substances; combating the smuggling of weapons, ammunition and explosives; racism and xenophobia; combating illegal drug trade; legalization of criminal income; countering money counterfeiting; illegal immigration; combating human trafficking, including child prostitution and trafficking in stolen vehicles. The author also states that Eurojust was created in the EU to strengthen the fight against serious forms of organized crime. The Eurojust consists of national prosecutors, magistrates or police officers. Eurojust is tasked with ensuring the proper coordination of national prosecution authorities and supporting criminal investigations into serious crimes, particularly based on the analytical work of Europol, as well as working closely with the European Judicial Network to facilitate the execution of judicial orders. The main field of activity of Eurojust includes the coordination of investigations and criminal prosecutions in criminal acts, for the counteraction of which Europol is empowered. In addition, the powers of Eurojust are extended to such types of criminal acts as: crime in the field of information technologies; fraud and corruption, as well as any criminal offense affecting the financial interests of the EU; laundering of proceeds from criminal activities; environmental crime; participation in a criminal organization. The peculiarities of the work of national members of Eurojust in carrying out various activities during the performance of their powers have been studied in the article.
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