contract, service contract, service, legal service, legal assistance, free legal assistance, attorney.Abstract
The article examines the controversial issues of the correlation of the concepts of «legal service» and «legal assistance» in the context of civil legal regulation of contractual relations. In particular, based on the analysis of a number of legal acts in the field of legal services and legal assistance, it was established that, on the one hand, legal services are the object of legal relations, the good for which they arise (which generally corresponds to the understanding of the category of services within civil law regulation), and legal assistance is the process of providing the customer with this object, a specific activity of the service provider. However, taking into account the definition of the concept of an agreement on the provision of legal assistance, enshrined in the Law of Ukraine «On the Bar and Practice of Law», protection, representation, etc. are defined not as types of legal services, but as types of legal assistance, which further complicates the understanding of these concepts and blurs the lines between them content boundaries. The position of researchers that the category of legal assistance is distinguished from the category of legal services on the basis of such a criterion as the subject of provision has been criticized. Given the extremely close lexical meaning of the terms «legal services» and «legal assistance», it was established that the answer to the question of their correlation should be sought not through a literal interpretation of the provisions of domestic legislation, which is imperfect, but based on an analysis of the purpose of adopting one or the other of the legislative act and the specifics of legal relations, the legal regulation of which is aimed at. Taking into account the synonymous meaning of the concepts of legal assistance and legal services, as well as their actual identification in the provisions of domestic legislation, there are no sufficient grounds for their opposition. In other words, the categories of legal services and legal assistance are characterized by the most similar content, but different areas of application: taking into account the extension of the norms of the Civil Code of Ukraine to relations on the provision of legal services, the category of legal services is the object of binding civil legal relations, and legal assistance, being enshrined in the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, in its essence is a component of the conceptual apparatus of constitutional law. At the same time, the provision of legal services is a private legal instrument for the practical implementation of the constitutional right to legal assistance.
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