
  • Olena Kostyuchenko



academic responsibility, legal liability, academic offense, composition of the offense, interdisciplinary legal institute


The article is devoted to the research of the legal nature of academic responsibility. The issue was raised as to whether this responsibility is an independent type of legal liability or whether it is an interdisciplinary legal institution. It is concluded that the actual ground of academic responsibility is an academic offense: guilty, illegal act or inactivity that has harmful consequences; committed by a natural or legal person; which encroaches on the training process, teaching and conducting educational, scientific (creative) activities by non-compliance with the normatively defined procedure for training, writing, defense, publication, verification and evaluation of academic texts and other objects of intellectual property rights. It is not enough the legislative definition of types of academic offenses to implement the academic responsibility. The analysis of the factual ground of an academic offense has showed that such legal construction as the composition of the offense does not allow to cover the existing branch tools of protection and defense of academic texts and other objects of intellectual property rights. For academic offenses it is advisable to use different types of legal liability – civil, disciplinary, administrative, criminal, and therefore, it should be considered as: a form of legal coercion; obligation; negative consequences; legal relations; interdisciplinary legal institute. The academic responsibility by its legal nature is an interdisciplinary legal institution, so it needs further research to determine the features of civil, disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability for academic offenses. The refusal of the interdisciplinary approach to academic responsibility will significantly affect its legal opportunities, which unreasonably narrows the legal means (tools) that can be used in the process of its implementation.


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