
  • Olena Tomkina




information society, transparency, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, principle


The article is devoted to the relevant issue of ensuring and developing transparency of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as a principle of its formation, organization and activity in the conditions of modern information society. The ensuring the transparency of the Constitutional Court is considered as an important tool for increasing the public confidence in the Court, a way to strengthen its institutional capacity and a condition for democracy and information society development. It is noted that the transparency of the Constitutional Court reflects global trends in the implementation of the concepts of state transparency to society, open trial, is the embodiment of the democratic basis of the constitutional order and is a part of state information policy. The transparency of the Constitutional Court is equally important both in the formation of the Court staff and in the process of its organization and activity. Significantly, the principle of transparency is manifested in open procedures for competitive selection of judges of the Court and employees of the Secretariat, transparency of information on various aspects of the Court (access to public information), publicity of constitutional proceedings, promulgation of decisions and conclusions (except the materials of closed court session and materials with limited access), interaction with the media, transparency of public procurement, publication of judges' declarations, etc. The ensuring of development of the transparency of the Constitutional Court is necessary to support its institutional independence, strengthen public confidence in it, proper understanding of the content of the functions of the constitutional jurisdiction, preconditions, reasons and motives for decision-making, conclusions of the Court, and their implementation status. It is emphasized that the further development of the transparency of the Constitutional Court is one of the important direction of strengthening its institutional capacity and requires the proper doctrinal and legislative support.


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