


multidisciplinary approach, Interdisciplinary approach, theory of law, sociology of law, tax amnesty, methodology.


The article examines the necessity of implementing a multidisciplinary approach into Ukrainian legal science i.e. the questions regarding the philosophical justification of the existence of law separately from other sciences, the problems of interdisciplinary and ways to solve them, the advantages of taking into account other sciences in law, and the positive experience of implementing such an approach. Given the lack of an adequate moral or other basis for the legal science distinction, the fallacy of approaches where jurisprudence is even partially considered as a separate and “pure” field of activity in isolation from other fields of knowledge has been demonstrated. Article contains the analysis of number of problems and solutions that are connected to multidisciplinarity in law i.e. the lack of a required definitional base due to the long-term isolation of jurisprudence, the impossibility of using the data of other sciences in the instance of methodological differences, high requirements for scientific results that might be used in law (especially regarding rulemaking procedure), and the lack of an adequate multidisciplinary academic community in Ukraine. It is shown that these problems do not make application of other sciences in law impossible, but only set a requirement of attracting additional resources and improving the qualification of lawyers. On the example of the tax amnesty, the inefficiency of the modern rulemaking system is shown and ways of improving the legislation through the introduction of interdisciplinary methods are suggested. Article shows that the other sciences are necessary for an effective and comprehensive assessment of draft bills and for Ukrainian civil society functioning. An overview of modern interdisciplinary institutes of the Western scientific community, their goals and functions are given.


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