
  • Illia Vadymovych Kolosov



Europe, medical law, Middle Ages, Renaissance, medically-legal triad, medicallylegal paradox, labour law.


Article proposed discusses the historical development of medically-social relations and medical law in European states of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The purpose of present survey is a retrospective review of public relations, scientific doctrine and legal acts that led to the development of medical law during the periods of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance; identification of their patterns, features and dialectical connections; isolation of relations in the field of medicine, which, due to their social significance, need and needed legal regulation, in particular, due to labour law; development of author’s conclusions and outlining perspective directions of further scientific investigation. Research methodology is based on general scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, and empirical methods. Research materials are rare publications and modern sources for the period from 1872 to 2022. In particular, it was concluded that these relations were regulated by the norms of labour, criminal and administrative law, which created a medically-legal triad in this area. It was established that in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the medically-legal paradox also remained relevant, since labor law as an independent industry is not recognized as a scientific doctrine for that period of time. This leads to certain doubts about the correctness of approaches in determining the time of acquiring independent status by the branch of labour law. It is concluded that medieval medical law in Europe was based on the principles of workshop distribution, classes, and its rapid development in the Renaissance was mediated by the complexity of industrial production, emergence of manufactures and the new distribution of labor.


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