principles of administrative law, principles of good governance, good governance, sustainable development, public administrationAbstract
The article considers the place of the principles of good governance in the system of principles of administrative law of Ukraine. Renewal of the public purpose of administrative law requires modernization of views on its key categories. In the European political and legal space, centuriesold political and legal culture, social values, and the ability to understand each other for the common good have created the conditions for the formation of certain general principles of administrative law. With the development of the public service component of public administration, strengthening judicial control over public administration, Ukraine's integration into the European political, legal and cultural space, the concept of good governance becomes especially relevant. Good governance covers a relatively wide range of public activities, from forecasting and making policy decisions based on the interests of society to their implementation using the necessary material, financial, informational, human and other resources. Governance can be considered appropriate when it provides the conditions for sustainable development. Sustainable development meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The principles of good governance include participation in decision-making and appropriate response, openness and transparency, integrity and ethical conduct, efficiency, competence and capacity. They also include innovation and openness to change, sustainability and long-term focus, sound financial management. Important elements of good governance are respect for human rights and cultural diversity, social cohesion, and accountability. The implementation of the principles of good governance in administrative law is aimed at ensuring the development of a society with respect for human rights through the functioning of a transparent, competent and accountable public administration as an important element of the public authority system.
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