
  • Anastasiia Dubko



green finance, green financing, European integration, climate policy, environment, green project, green bonds, environmental tax, financial legal relations.


The article analyzes the essence and content of a new phenomenon of economic and legal reality – green finance – in the context of its emergence and development as a response to the need for financial support for the implementation of sustainable development goals within the framework of the European integration process of Ukraine. It is noted that cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of environmental protection became the basis for the harmonization of domestic environmental policy with European standards in the field of environmental protection, which, in turn, created a basis for the development of green finance in Ukraine. The author analyzes the approach of European and world institutions regarding the definition of categories of green finance and green financing, as well as highlights their differences from a scientific and legal point of view. The article also pays attention to the analysis of green finance as a new phenomenon in the field of science and the system of financial law: it is proposed to consider green finance as a set of economic relations regarding the mobilization, distribution and targeted use of funds for the implementation of green projects and other environmental protection programs. As an example of the functioning of green finance in the legal field of Ukraine, taking into account the current legal framework and legislative initiatives of stakeholders, the author cites the newly created institute of the implementation of green projects and the issuance of green bonds, as well as proposals for the transfer of revenues from the environmental tax to special funds of the state and local budgets for targeted financing of environmental protection measures and regarding the creation of a system of extrabudgetary environmental funds for additional financing of environmental programs. Thus, in the opinion of the author, within the financial and legal field such legal relations can be considered as financial legal relations with regard to accumulation using a voluntary (for example, the emission of green bonds or other forms of investment, lending) or a mandatory method (environmental tax, fines etc.), distribution and targeted use of mobilized funds for the implementation of measures exclusively aimed at reducing the consequences of negative impact on the environment, adaptation to climate change etc. (implementation of green projects, other environmental protection programs and projects). Specific measures within the framework of such projects and programs can be directed to the field of energy efficiency and energy savings in the context of the economy decarbonization, stimulation of the use of environmentally eligible technologies in agriculture, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, alternative energy etc.


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Удосконалення екологічного оподаткування та фінансування природоохоронних заходів. Презентація Ірини Ставчук. / Офіційний портал Міністерства захисту довкілля та природних ресурсів України. URL: %BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA.pdf.

