
  • Lina Doroshenko



in kind are presented as the need to perform certain actions (positive obligations), as well as to refrain from their performance (negative obligations); 5) it has been argued that the legislative absence of coercion to perform obligations by the corporate contract in kind has the effect of pretentiousness of its provisions and contributes to the abuse of corporate rights.


The author of the article has analyzed problematic issues that arise in the process of performing corporate contracts; has considered the principles of fulfilling obligations, measures of responsibility in regard to the violation of such contracts; has analyzed the methods of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations related to corporate contracts. On the basis of the conducted research the author has made the following conclusions: 1) a definition of the concept of “performance of corporate contracts” has been offered. It should be understood as the obligation of a party to a corporate contract to realize own rights in a certain manner and (or) to refrain from their realization by performing agreed actions based on good faith, justice and reasonableness; 2) it has been proved that the absence of such a measure of responsibility as compensation in the new Law on Stock Corporations, which is a specific way of protecting the rights of the parties to a corporate contract, acts as a guarantee for proper performance of the contract and which effectively operates in practice in other countries, is a regressive step in the development of corporate legislation and needs immediate elimination of this shortcoming in the latest corporate legislation; 3) it has been argued that the national legislation provides insufficient mechanisms for the protection of negative obligations; the ways of eliminating this shortcoming have been offered; 4) it has been substantiated that the corporate contract is an agreement containing both positive and negative obligations, that is, it is a complex obligation by its structure, where obligations 


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