
  • Viktoriia Pavlenko



security, national security, state security, security of state, security legislation, internal threats, external threats.


In the world “security” has become one of the key categories. The need of man, our society and the state to be protected from threats and dangers determines the use of various tools for social relations, one of the significant regulators of which is law. Despite the consistent development of legislation on security, the question of meaningful content of such a basic legal category as “state security” remains open. It is substantiated that the security of the state is a complex concept. In the most general form, the security of the state as one of the main conditions for the normal development of man and society is understood as the protection of the quality state of social relations that ensure the progressive development of man and society in specific historical and natural conditions from dangers, the source of which are internal and external contradictions. The article reveals and characterizes the various views held by many scientists regarding the essence of the concept of “national security”, “state security” and “security of state”. The variety of interpretations regarding the definition of national security enables the author to argue that it is a complex structural system and a multifaceted phenomenon. Based on the analysis of scientific views on the essence of the concept of “national security”, the author comes to the conclusion that national security is a sufficient level and nature of protection of national resources and values, as well as state, public and personal interests from internal and external threats. It was determined that the general thing for the doctrinal definition of “state security” is that it is a component (species) of the category “national security” and is related to it as separate and general. The author argues that in Ukraine state security is only one of the directions in the field of national security. It was analyzed that “state security” is a narrower concept, and national security is broader than state security, and it includes, in addition to state economic, social and other types of security. Based on the analysis of scientific provisions, the author’s definition of the concept of “state security” is proposed and the types of internal and external threats are highlighted.


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