Security Service of Ukraine, countermeasures, powers, principles, organizational forms, security, defense, normative legal act, information and analytical work.Abstract
This scientific article outlines the issues of ensuring and improving legal support for the activities of the Security Service of Ukraine as a subject of the security and defense sphere. The purpose, tasks and principles of the activity of the Security Service of Ukraine were determined. The place, role and legal status of the Security Service of Ukraine in the system of state authorities of Ukraine were analyzed, the normative and legal bases of the organization and activity of the Security Service of Ukraine were systematized and characterized from a formal, legal and substantive point of view, classified the powers of the Security Service of Ukraine and its divisions in the field of law enforcement activities, the peculiarities of the mechanism of the law enforcement agencies that ensure the state security of Ukraine in the implementation of the constitutional human right to security are characterized, the norms of modern law regulating the fundamentals of a person’s legal status and the obligation to strictly observe them are summarized in the implementation of the law enforcement function of the state to ensure the safety of the individual, society and the state, specific scientific and practical recommendations were developed and proposed to improve the legal regulation of the organization and activities of the Security Service bodies of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to identify, scientifically understand and analyze the formal, legal and substantive aspects of the legal status of the Security Service of Ukraine in a modern democratic society. The author comes to the conclusion that it is possible to single out the following tasks of the SBU: identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that can lead to manifestations of terrorism; protection of man and citizen, society and the state from terrorism; prevention, timely detection and prevention of external and internal threats to the security of Ukraine; minimization of socially dangerous consequences of terrorist actions; establishment of effective interaction of authorized bodies of state power, local self-government bodies with the public, and expansion of the sphere of combating terrorism; organization of international cooperation in the field of combating terrorism; termination of intelligence, terrorist and other illegal encroachments on the national security of Ukraine by foreign special forces and organizations, groups of persons and persons, etc.
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