
  • Nelya Liakh



international standards, international treaties, gender equality, police, regulations


The priority areas for the implementation of state policy to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men include: promotion of gender equality; non-discrimination on the grounds of sex; preventing and combating gender-based violence, including all forms of violence against women; ensuring equal participation of women and men in making socially important decisions; ensuring equal opportunities for women and men to combine professional and family responsibilities; family support; education and promotion of the culture of gender equality among the population of Ukraine, dissemination of educational activities in this area; protection of society from information aimed at discrimination on the grounds of sex, etc. The implementation of these areas has led to the emergence of problematic issues in practical law enforcement activities, the need to improve the activities of the National Police in this area. When improving domestic law enforcement practice and organizing the activities of the National Police, it is important to focus on international law, the best practices of foreign countries, as well as to form international standards for gender equality. Their purpose is to find out. As a result of the research it is substantiated that the form of fixing international standards of gender equality in policing is the provisions of international and national regulations, decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, best foreign experience in regulating the defined area of legal relations. In addition, the considered provisions on ensuring gender equality should be further reflected in the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” of 2015, thus strengthening the guarantees of police rights. Given the large number of international and national sources, the content analysis of which allows to distinguish international standards for gender equality in policing, they can be grouped into the following groups: international legal documents that define the fundamental legal basis for gender equality in policing; normative legal acts of Ukraine regulating ensuring gender equality in police activity; court decisions of international and national courts, which interpret the above sources of law.


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