
  • Volodymyr Yashchuk



odorology, criminology, forensic examination, expert methodology, expert opinion


Detection, seizure, research, use of odorous traces in the investigation of criminal offenses is accompanied by the emergence of problematic questions about the probative value of the results, so there is an objective need to cover the outlined issues. The purpose of the article is to form the scientific basis of forensic odorological examination and to clarify the practical features of its conduct during the investigation of criminal offenses. Forensic odorological examinations are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, international treaties of Ukraine, the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Forensic Examination", and other regulations. The theoretical basis of forensic odorological examinations are scientific works of scientists, scientific and methodological recommendations. Forensic examination of odor traces solves identification and diagnostic tasks. Emphasis is placed on the problem situation, which is the need to standardize the forensic odorological examination and registration of expert methods of forensic odorological examination, because in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On forensic examination”, methods of forensic examinations are subject to certification and state registration. Currently, there is a qualitatively new development of odorology as a branch of forensic science and science. New provisions have been developed for the effective study of odor traces under modern conditions, forensic odorological examination in accordance with international standards and best international experience. Domestic science and practice require the development of these issues in order to: form a scientific basis for the use of odorous traces in the investigation of criminal offenses; development of standardized rules for detection, removal, examination and use of odor traces; formation of methods of forensic odorological research in the system of methods of forensic expert research; creation of a system of odorological laboratories that must meet international standards and to use the conclusions of forensic odorological examinations as a source of evidence in criminal proceedings.


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