investigative (search) actions, foreigner, mercenary-violent crime, tactics, review, interrogationAbstract
During the investigation of mercenary and violent crimes committed against foreigners, the investigator conducts investigative (search) actions as the main means of gathering evidence in criminal proceedings in strict accordance with the requirements of criminal procedure legislation and in accordance with the developed forensic recommendations. However, in such an investigative situation, a number of organizational and tactical features should be taken into account. This scientific publication is aimed at their coverage. First, when conducting investigative (search) actions against foreigners, one should take into account their legal status and the special requirements for conducting investigative (search) actions due to this circumstance. Secondly, during the preparation for the investigative (search) actions, the investigator should solve the following organizational tasks: to ensure the realization of the right of the injured foreigner to a representative, translator and defense counsel; to provide an opportunity of application of technical means, etc. The investigator must also take organizational measures to ensure the participation of specialists, witnesses, legal representatives, etc. The key to successful investigative (search) action is a thorough study of the identity of a foreigner. Fourth, it is necessary to apply a set of organizational measures to perform a tactical task – to establish psychological contact. Under these conditions, a number of factors are important: a comfortable room for investigative (search) actions, a friendly attitude of the investigator, other participants in criminal proceedings. Usually a foreigner who has become a victim of a crime feels a state of anxiety, irritation, distrust. It is often difficult for a person to understand the peculiarities of domestic criminal proceedings, which can cause a negative attitude towards law enforcement officers. The investigator must show tactical skill in such an investigative situation, apply tactical methods of explanation, persuasion. The investigator can use the help of a specialist – an expert on a particular people, ethnic group, nation. It will help to explain the cultural and religious peculiarities, the observance of which can be the key to establishing psychological contact.
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