


crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of children; forensic classification


The article examines the issue of determining the classification grounds for the creation of a criminal classification of crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of children. Found that criminological classification of crimes aimed at improvement and the development of methods for investigating certain categories of crimes, providing details, the emergence of the features of their criminal characteristics.. It is determined that the question of the classification classification is the most important in constructing the classification of crimes, as it is a determinant of the theoretical and practical significance of the classification. Different classifications of crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of children are outlined, focusing on the most significant from the standpoint of the practice of their investigation. Purely forensic features are defined as the classification basis of the forensic classification of crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of children: 1) the identity of the offender; 2) the identity of the victim; 3) the manner of committing the crime; 4) trace picture; 5) the circumstances of the crime. The identity of the offender is classified according to socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, employment, previous criminal record); psychological properties and moral qualities; sexual orientation; by quantitative composition; by the nature of the actions. The identity of the victim is classified according to: information of a personal nature (sex, age, marital status); victimhood and character traits; peculiarities of behavior – before the criminal event, at the time of the crime, after its commission. The method of committing a crime is classified: by stage or structure of the method of committing a crime; in the presence of resistance to the committed actions; by way of overcoming the child’s resistance; by the nature of actions aimed at achieving a criminal result. The trace pattern is classified according to the trace object; in the presence of human genomic information; according to the procedural status of the person who has preserved in his memory the ideal traces. The situation of the crime is classified by the location of criminal acts; on the grounds of places of direct commission of crimes; by time of day.


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