
  • Alina Steblianko
  • Dmytrii Lisov



analytical body, economic security, economic crimes, single law enforcement body, risk-oriented approach


The article analyzes the normative regulation of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine as a body that will investigate criminal offenses in the economic sphere, the creation of which is provided by the Law of Ukraine "On the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine". The urgency of the problem described in the article is explained by the fact that proper economic security of the state is a key condition for the development of the latter, where law enforcement agencies are the main actors of economic security of Ukraine, and the creation of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine economic security of the state. At the same time, the purpose of the article is to analyze the potential shortcomings in the activities of the Bureau of Economic Security as a subject of economic security of Ukraine, followed by the definition of prospects for its activities. The approaches to the definition of the concept of economic security of the state are analyzed, and it is also clarified what is meant by ensuring the national economic security of Ukraine. The focus is on the tasks, powers and functions assigned to the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine. Problematic issues of functioning of the investigated body are determined. Emphasis is placed on the prospects and advantages of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine. The experience of foreign countries on the functioning of bodies that ensure the economic security of the country is analyzed and it is emphasized that each state uses different methods to combat crime in the field of economic security of the country. economic crimes. However, some problematic issues remained unresolved, in particular the application of a risk-based approach and the procedure for transferring cases by other bodies to the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine, etc. At the same time, this body is a new model of criminal intelligence combined with criminal analysis. If it functions properly, the level of trust in the activities of law enforcement agencies will increase and the efficiency of the investigation of economic crimes will increase.


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О правоохранительной службе : Закон Республики Казахстан от 6 января 2011 г. № 380-IV. URL:



