police, media, interaction, principles, openness, transparency, partnershipAbstract
The purpose of writing this scientific article is on the basis of current legislation and practice of its application, as well as the achievements of domestic scientists to determine and explore the principles of interaction between the National Police and the media. The paper proposes the following definition: the principles of interaction between the police and the media are the guiding ideas enshrined in regulations, which determine the principles of coordination between the National Police and the media to protect human rights and freedoms, combat crime, maintain public safety and order. The author traditionally divides the principles of interaction between the National Police and the media into general and special. The general principles include: the rule of law; respect for human rights and freedoms; legality; openness and transparency; political neutrality; interaction with the population on the basis of partnership; continuity, as well as the free receipt, dissemination and any other use of information; equality. The following principles of interaction between the National Police and the media at the present stage of social development are highlighted: partnership; active dialogue; dynamism; voluntariness; rationality; efficiency; competence; complexity; social responsibility. The author emphasizes the need to identify and differentiate the principles of interaction between the National Police and the media and the principles of informing citizens about the state of law and order and law enforcement activities of the National Police. The principles of informing citizens about the state of law and order and law enforcement activities of the National Police include: objectivity, timeliness, reliability, significance, usefulness, priority of private and private life of citizens, focus on the interests and needs of the individual, society and state. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop and approve the Concept of improving the interaction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the media by 2030, the theoretical and methodological platform of which should be clearly defined principles for building trust and partnership between the National Police and the media to protect human rights and freedoms, combating crime, maintaining public safety and order.
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