principle, sector, security, defense, essence, contentAbstract
The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the principles of functioning of the security and defense sector of Ukraine. In the article, based on the study of scientific developments of scientists, legal basis of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, the author was able to substantiate the conclusions on the characteristics of the principles of the security and defense sector, to consider the content and essence of the security sector -legal basis to fill it with content. In turn, the content of the concept of principles was additionally considered and by means of the analysis of scientific positions of scientists the author substantiated own vision, concerning definition of separate structural elements of the conceptual and categorical device of the investigated problems. It is emphasized that the concept of the security and defense sector is defined by regulations of Ukraine, which can not be interpreted imaginary, but only significantly and meaningfully reflect what exactly applies to the sector. The principles of state policy in the field of national security and defense are interpreted in the legislation and it is clarified that the first category of principles includes, in particular, common law principles regulated by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. It is proved that the group of sectoral principles plays the most significant role in the development of all institutions in the security and defense sector. The possibility of borrowing the best international practices is emphasized, guided by this principle, which also acts as a safeguard against the regression of sustainable development processes. It is noted that participation in Ukraine’s interests in international efforts to maintain peace and security and interstate systems guarantees awareness of the real state of threats to national and state security. It is proved that the principle of development forms the status of the security and defense sector as an effective mechanism for protecting human and civil rights. This principle, in particular through the use of appropriate administrative and legal instruments, enables dynamic, stable and purposeful development of the security and defense sector, including through risk assessment (both external and internal) for the state, application of strategic and sectoral planning in the security and defense sector. Of Ukraine.
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