
  • Kseniia Kurkova



public-private partnership, state-private partnership, scientific and technological development, administrative and legal support, state scientific and technological policy


The article is devoted to the study of the essence, content and significance of public-private partnership in the field of scientific and technological development. The ratio of the categories “public-private partnership” and “state-private partnership” is analyzed. It is determined that the use of the term “public-private partnership” in the field of scientific and technological development is more rational, as it takes into account a wider range of interests, public and private, as well as the interaction of all possible participants in scientific and technological development. It is proposed to understand public-private partnership in the field of scientific and technological development in a broad sense – a legal model for implementing the strategy of state scientific and technological policy, based on updated conceptual approaches to administrative and legal support of scientific and technological development. on a parity, democratic, fair and cooperative basis with the definition of a new role and functions of the state in these processes on the basis of a balanced public-private approach, in which the state acts not as a “regulator of relations” but as a “full partner”; and in a narrow sense – a set of legally formalized equal relations of strategic, technological-innovative, financial, organizational-personnel, information-analytical, institutional nature between public and private partners, in which the parties interact in the decision-making process and coordinate joint actions to achieve joint certain public interest, which is formalized for specific purposes of scientific and technological development. The characteristic features of public-private partnership in the field of scientific and technological development are determined. The main forms of public-private partnership in the field of scientific and technological development depending on the areas of its implementation, which should be implemented in Ukraine in order to increase the efficiency of administrative and legal support of scientific and technological development.


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