
  • Oleksandr Balobanov
  • Alla Palchenko



merchant shipping, stevedoring company, port operator, seaport, terminal operator


The legal status of port stevedoring operators in the seaports of Ukraine is regulated by the Code of Merchant Shipping, the Law of Ukraine “On Seaports оf Ukraine” and the Rules for the provision of sea services in the ports of Ukraine. Port activity is an integral part of the sphere of merchant shipping and its legal regulation is associated with activities that are part of the concept of merchant shipping. The world transport system, which includes ports, operates in conditions of intensified competition between national systems, between different modes of transport, namely between sea and land. Both containerized and non-containerized lines operate in multimodal mode today. Working as part of a multimodal scheme requires seaports – stevedores to be competitive, both in relation to the subjects of movement of goods, and to the ports included in other logistics chains. Stevedoring activities are part of economic activities. It should be considered as the activity of business entities, which is associated with the loading and unloading of ships, aimed at generating income, is regular, permanent, significant, that is, it coincides with the definition of entrepreneurial activity. Stevedoring activities include a production and technological component and an organizational and economic component. As a reality on the grounds of modernization in the development of the world port distribution system, the process of attracting private capital not only in the development of port infrastructure, but also in the actual stevedoring activities. State stevedores operate on the territory of each seaport. The port operator, the terminal operator provides services for freight operations with goods transported by water, rail, road and pipeline modes of transport, as well as other related work at the request of the client. That is, there are two definitions regarding the executor of cargo operations. These are the port operator and the terminal operator. In the seaports of Ukraine, the list of port operators, terminal operators in each seaport, as well as the list of services provided is determined in the register of seaports of Ukraine. Based on this rule, the executor of cargo operations can be only port operators, terminal operators, whose range is limited to the register.


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Оновлена Стратегія розвитку морських портів до 2038 року від 23 грудня 2020 р. URL:



