cybercrime, international cybercrime, unauthorized receipt of information, information security, cyber incident, website, cyber law, international crimeAbstract
The article considers the main aspects of legal regulation of cybercrime in national law through the prism of international law. The definition of the concept of “cybercrime”, its historical development is analyzed. Research has made it possible to clarify the definition of “international cybercrime”, which we will understand as illegal behavior of international importance, which is committed with the help of computer technology to obtain unauthorized information. The article mentions and analyzes a resonant example of a cyber attack called the “Petya” virus. In today's world, countries are developing new methods to combat such crimes, including that the United States has developed the so-called “NIST Cyber security Framework” – security standards that can detect, respond to and even prevent cybercrime; California has issued a Notice of Security Breach Act, which allows companies to freely choose how to ensure the privacy of their systems; The European Union has adopted the NIS Directive on the security of network and information systems, which defines the importance of the reliability and security of network and information systems for economic and social activities; Ukraine has established a CERT-UA division, which, within its powers, analyzes and collects data on cyber incidents and maintains a state register of them. Summarizing all the above, we concluded that in today’s world there are many types of cybercrime: computer espionage, the spread of computer viruses, Internet fraud, interface, cyber terrorism, etc. – these crimes can be large-scale and threaten interstate security. The article mentions and identifies conditional groups of crimes against privacy, integrity of information data, under the Convention on Cybercrime. An analysis of the scientific literature has made it possible to state that cybercrime is indeed an urgent problem of our time, but the world community has focused its efforts on solving it through the adoption of relevant documents.
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