legal succession of states, international legal treaty, states, state renewal, new independent stateAbstract
The article examines the features of the institution of succession of states in the doctrines of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, legislative acts and in the practice of implementation on the examples of countries. The study used comparative legal and formal dogmatic methods, as well as the method of historical and legal research. It has been proved that over 30 years of independence in Ukraine, the political and legal component of the state’s succession has not been implemented in the context of recognizing Ukraine as the legal successor of state entities of the period 1917–1920, which is now the ground for encroachments on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Discussions of scholars to the understanding of the institution of succession are shown, which are mainly concentrated around legal succession in relation to international treaties, as well as the succession of states in relation to property, characterized by international legal and national acts of regulation of the implementation of succession. The author’s vision of the concept of legal succession of the state is presented. Using the comparative legal method, the practice of implementing the institution of succession in such states as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine has been studied. This comparative legal and historical legal analysis showed that the aforementioned states, except for Ukraine, in their constitutional and declarative acts, upon the restoration of statehood, immediately consolidated the status of succession to national state formations of the early 20th century, condemned the occupation of their territories by the USSR and other information about national governments. who continued their state activities in the emigration of the period of the occupation of the USSR. The acts of renewal of the statehood of these countries are characterized in the context of the recognition of the stages of the national state as the subject of the legal succession of states. With the help of the formal dogmatic method, the domestic legislation in this area was analyzed, as a result of which it was stated that it was necessary to make changes and additions to the Constitution of Ukraine regarding the consolidation of the legal succession of Ukraine not from the Ukrainian SSR, but from the national state formations of the period of the liberation struggle of 1917–1920. The prospects for further research on improving the legislative consolidation of the legal succession of Ukraine are presented.
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