
  • Yuliia Zahumenna



security, primitive society, consciousness, security discourse, social preconditions, epistemological preconditions


The author of the article studies the preconditions for the emergence of security discourse within the history of political and legal thought. The phenomenon of national security is studied within political and legal discourse. It is noted that the problem for forming security discourse within the history of political and legal thought has been studied by various sciences for a lon period of time – sociology, religious studies, securitology, ethnography, history, history of state and law, history of political and legal doctrines. Summing up, the author distinguishes several dominant paradigms in the science, which have been developed while understanding the mentioned problem, namely: mythological (the problem of security in the ancient world arose as a consequence of mythologizing natural and social dangers, their mythological and symbolic interpretation in human consciousness); philosophical (the emergence of security discourse is explained by its separation from general philosophical knowledge, its origins and development are “synchronous” to the stages of philosophy development); anthropological (formation of the doctrine on security of a man and society is derived from human nature, his world, needs and interests); psychological (security issues are modeled in a separate direction of thinking under the influence of the psychological structure of an individual, human security has a psychological nature, established in human consciousness); sociological (security discourse is derived from the sphere of social life, social world of a man, it is emphasized on its social conditionality and structure); historical (security discourse has a historical predicament, its origins are observed in the most ancient period of human history, the emphasis is placed on the civilizational universality of security discourse); theological (adventure for the ways to ensure security has its origins in human religious commitment and inevitably leads him to God as the highest guarantor of security and grace both dar al-fana and in Other Side). It is established that the indicated scientific paradigms intersect in one way or another while studying security discourse and while searching for its origins, compet to a lesser extent than before, enriching each other. Conclusion, prerequisites for the emergence of security discourse in the history of political and legal thought should be considered as a set of social and epistemological conditions that allowed the emergence (emergence) of initial rational ideas about the relationship between security and danger in human life, their origin, security and subjects capable of it to ensure, for the further development of these ideas in the development of political and legal doctrines (doctrines) of subsequent historical periods. The formation of such a discourse, in terms of social preconditions, should be interpreted as a natural result of the complexity of social life, its separation from the natural and supernatural worlds, attempts to understand security as real and desirable, in terms of public interest, human protection from internal and external threats. Such preconditions can be considered the emergence of human society with its gradual social differentiation and structuring of subjects and objects of security. The epistemological preconditions of security discourse were the transition from subject-specific to abstract thinking, the formation of the first abstract logical “procategories”, which generalized human life experience in the field of desirable, appropriate and safe, understanding the problem of security as universal for natural, social and supernatural (otherworldly) worlds. in the structure of mythological thinking.


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