administrative and legal mechanism, state policy, economic security, special conditions, martial law, structure, elements.Abstract
In the article, the author substantiates his own view on the structure of the administrative-legal mechanism for the implementation of state policy in the sphere of ensuring the economic security of the state during martial law, according to which its elements are: 1) norms of administrative law, which regulate such main areas as: functioning of the economic sphere of the state , in particular production, financial, investment, food sectors; activities of subjects implementing state policy in the sphere of ensuring the economic security of the state; administrative and other procedures arising during the implementation of the specified type of state policy; the specifics of the functioning of the national economy and the competent entities that ensure its security in conditions of martial law; legal relations that arise in the defined area; stabilization of the social sphere, in terms of aspects that affect the development of the country's economy; 2) the principles of ensuring the economic security of the state during martial law, the system of which includes not only general and special principles of law, but also economic, managerial and other principles; 3) subjects of implementation of state policy in the sphere of ensuring the economic security of the state during martial law, the range of which is becoming wider taking into account special conditions, which is determined by the need to involve multidisciplinary bodies, including those created during this period, for a comprehensive approach to solving tasks, related to ensuring the economic security of the state; 4) legal relations that arise between competent subjects and other bodies of public administration, citizens and their associations during the implementation of state policy in the sphere of ensuring the economic security of the state in the languages of martial law, which will have their own specificity, as a result of the expanded sub object composition and their scope of powers; 5) instruments with which to implement the state policy in the sphere of ensuring the economic security of the state in the languages of martial law, primarily we are talking about forms, methods, as well as other means, methods and resources (material, technical, personnel, operational) necessary for are used in the course of the outlined scope of activity; 6) state policy procedures in the sphere of ensuring the economic security of the state in the languages of martial law, which are characterized by various content and spheres of implementation, and their result is the implementation of specific measures for the stabilization and development of the national economic system, as well as its protection and protection from real and potential threats.
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