
  • Roman Orestovych Osadtsa International Humanitarian University



Maritime Piracy, Maritime Terrorism, International Law, Legal Frameworks, UNCLOS, Jurisdiction, Global Security, Maritime Trade, Socio-Economic Factors, International Cooperation.


This paper explores the emergence of maritime piracy and terrorism as significant legal categories within international law and domestic legal frameworks. Historically viewed as acts of lawlessness on the high seas, maritime piracy has evolved into a complex issue that necessitates comprehensive legal responses. At the same time, maritime terrorism has surfaced as a contemporary threat to global maritime security, closely intertwined with broader discussions of terrorism in international relations. The analysis begins with a historical overview of piracy, tracing its evolution from ancient practices to modern challenges. Key legislative efforts, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and regional treaties, are highlighted as critical measures aimed at combating piracy. The paper examines how traditional definitions of piracy have adapted to encompass contemporary acts, reflecting significant changes in maritime operations, technology, and geopolitical contexts. The rise of terrorism in maritime settings is analyzed, focusing on high-profile incidents such as the 2000 USS Cole bombing and various cruise ship hijackings. The legal systems’ challenges in addressing acts of maritime terrorism are emphasized, particularly given their dual nature as both criminal acts and threats to national and international security. The paper evaluates the legal frameworks that govern maritime piracy and terrorism, discussing international conventions, customary international law, and national legislation. A critical analysis of enforcement mechanisms reveals notable gaps and inconsistencies in legal approaches, particularly concerning jurisdiction, prosecution, and the treatment of suspected pirates and terrorists. The role of international cooperation is underscored, emphasizing the necessity of collaborative efforts between states and maritime organizations to effectively combat these phenomena. The impact of piracy and terrorism on maritime trade, security, and international relations is explored. By addressing the legal intricacies and socio-political dimensions of maritime piracy and terrorism, this study aims to contribute meaningfully to ongoing discourse on global maritime security and the role of law in mitigating these threats.


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