
  • Anton Demchuk Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Yana Lenher Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University



environmental violations, land relations, administrative liability, criminal liability, Ukraine.


This article explores administrative and criminal liability for environmental violations in the field of land relations in Ukraine. The research aims to analyze the specifics of applying administrative and criminal liability for breaches of environmental legislation in the land sector, particularly identifying differences in legal consequences and prevention mechanisms. The findings indicate that administrative liability for land law violations in Ukraine is provided under the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, specifically Article 53-1, which regulates sanctions for illegal land occupation or other breaches of land use norms. Citizens and officials face fines, with amounts determined based on the social status of the offender and the degree of harm caused. The study shows that criminal liability for environmental violations in land relations is established by the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which imposes stricter penalties for significant violations that cause substantial environmental damage. For instance, Article 197-1 of the Criminal Code penalizes unauthorized land occupation resulting in significant negative consequences, including fines or arrest. This approach is justified by the need for an adequate response to cases of high public resonance that threaten environmental security. The main difference between administrative and criminal liability lies in the severity of violations and their consequences. Administrative liability primarily addresses violations with no long-term impact on land and the environment, while criminal liability is essential for addressing serious offenses that significantly harm land resources and environmental security. The practical significance of this research lies in defining clear criteria for applying liability to enhance the protection of land resources and ensure environmental security.


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