
  • Vasyl Nesterenkо Institute of Law-Making and Scientific-Legal Expertise of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine




turnover of weapons, object of civil rights, legal regulation, arms trafficking, martial law, self-defence, source of increased danger


The article examines the transferability of weapons as an object of civil rights in Ukraine analyzes the legal regulation of the circulation of weapons, their acquisition, use, storage and transfer. The main attention is paid to the analysis of current legislation, including relevant provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine and orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The legal aspects arising in connection with the circulation of weapons in the conditions of martial law, when the need to ensure public safety acquires special importance, are considered separately. The article emphasizes the fact that Ukrainian legislation lacks clear definitions and regulations regarding the legal regime of weapons, which creates legal uncertainty and contributes to the emergence of numerous legal and practical problems. The draft Law of Ukraine “On the Right to Civilian Firearms” is being considered, which, although it needs to be revised, contains many important provisions aimed at improving the legal regulation of weapons circulation. Along with this, special legal acts that regulate the use of weapons by special subjects, such as the police, which are important for maintaining public order and security, are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the problems that arise in connection with the illegal circulation of weapons and their use in crimes. The article highlights the need for clear legislative regulation of weapons circulation, including the establishment of age restrictions, requirements for gun owners and rules for their use. It also emphasizes the importance of ensuring proper training and certification of persons who have the right to possess weapons to minimize the risks of their misuse. The author concludes that activities related to the use, storage and circulation of weapons pose an increased danger to the person who carries out these activities and other persons, and therefore they can be considered a source of increased danger.


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