child, social protection, European integration, institutional model of upbringing, alternative forms of care, mentoring, volunteeringAbstract
The article deals with the issues of formation and development of the mentoring institute in Ukraine. The author establishes the objective need not only to intensify the process of deinstitutionalisation of the system of upbringing of orphans and children deprived of parental care in our country, which has always been one of the important prerequisites for Ukraine’s European integration aspirations, but also to take priority measures to improve the conditions of upbringing of orphans in institutional care, in particular, to provide them with psychological and emotional support for the success of their future socialisation and acquisition of the status of a full-fledged adult member of society. The main prerequisites for the introduction of a modern mentoring institute in the national legal system include: 1) intensification of the process of global deinstitutionalisation, which in our country involves two main areas: development of familybased forms of placement of orphans and children deprived of parental care, and humanisation of conditions for raising children in institutional care institutions; 2) a critically high level of institutional care for orphans and children deprived of parental care, which necessitated the adoption of urgent additional measures aimed at improving the care process, in particular, providing psychological and emotional support to adolescents for their successful socialisation; 3) the long-standing practice of mentoring in Ukraine, carried out within the framework of charitable volunteer activities, which necessitated the formation of a mechanism for legal regulation of the relations under study with a view to their regulation; 4) Ukraine’s implementation of its obligations to strengthen the level of social protection under the Association Agreement with the EU as part of its European integration aspirations.
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