forensic portrait examination, document examination, special knowledge, identification, appearance features, forensic expertAbstract
The article examines the concepts of ‘identification’, ‘identification by appearance’, ‘special knowledge’, and the relationship between theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The views of scientists on the scientific definition of the term ‘special knowledge’ are analysed. The author examines the theoretical and practical issues arising from the use of special knowledge in the course of identification of a person, namely, when checking identity documents, in particular, when crossing the border. The conclusions regarding the content of forensic expert activity made it possible to justify the position regarding the understanding of forensic expert activity, namely as a complex of organizational, procedural, scientific-methodical and other measures aimed at establishing factual data using special knowledge in the field of science and technology. It is noted that the application of special knowledge in the identification of a person based on appearance is a multifaceted issue that concerns not only the process of the examination itself, but also the ability to apply it. The organizational aspects of the identification of a person based on appearance were determined, the problem of the competences of a forensic expert in the direction of the identification of a person based on appearance, as well as the detection of fake and falsified documents were studied, the measures of professional development and retraining of experts were evaluated. The factors that have a negative impact on the conduct of research on personal identification and the study of identity documents have been determined. Formulated recommendations on improving the organizational aspects of professional development, the effectiveness of the use of special knowledge that depends on the implementation of innovative technologies in the scientific research process, professional development. It is noted that the forensic science of human appearance is a very necessary area of forensics and requires further improvement, as well as requires paying special attention to issues of international cooperation in the direction of countering illegal, fraudulent actions of certain persons.
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