harmonization of legislation, biotechnology, industrial property law, intellectual property law, EU lawAbstract
In this article, based on scientific opinions and current legislation regulating legal relations in the field of protection of biotechnological inventions, the author reveals the concept, legal principles of protection of biotechnological inventions in Ukraine and the EU, as well as the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation in the field of biotechnological inventions with EU law. The conceptual apparatus of the main definitions related to the protection of inventions in the field of biotechnology, as well as processes related to the harmonization of legislation in this field with EU legislation, is defined. Based on the analysis of the course of development of economic sectors, as well as the current needs of industry, the importance of the development of the field of biotechnology in view of European integration processes was noted and, accordingly, the importance of harmonization of national legislation in the field of protection of biotechnological inventions with EU law was indicated. Attention is focused on the fundamental legal acts, which are basic for the protection of biotechnological inventions in Ukraine, and a general review of them is carried out. The author familiarizes with the main sources of legal protection of inventions at the international level – the Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property of March 20, 1883, as well as Directive 98/44/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of July 6, 1998 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions, which are generally overviewed. The mechanism of harmonization of national legislation in the field of protection of biotechnological inventions with EU law is outlined in general terms. The author analyzed the problems and imperfections of domestic legislation and identified the main directions of its improvement taking into account European integration processes. The author focuses attention on the need to bring national legislation closer to EU law, starting with a global understanding of these processes and continuing with the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation in the field of protection of biotechnological inventions in view of the importance of the role of biotechnology in people's lives and the inevitability of Ukraine's accession to the EU in the near future.
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