



specialist's opinion, state security, integrative model, criminal proceedings, security agencies, special knowledge, specialist


The article highlights the peculiarities of the use of special knowledge during the investigation of terrorist acts committed with the use of explosive devices. It is substantiated that the peculiarity of these crimes is the combination of injury or death of the victim with significant material damage caused by the destruction of objects and objects that were at the epicenter of the explosion. Also, the peculiarities of this type of crime include the time gap between the installation of an explosive device and its use, the high impressive power of the explosion and the relatively low level of controllability of the explosion, because unlike the use of cold weapons or firearms, which can be aimed at specific parts of the victim's body, the explosion of a charge the explosive device does not have a directional nature, with the exception of specially designed explosive devices of directional action (cumulative fragmentation-beam). It is noted that the correct qualification of the committed crime during immediate and initial investigative (search) actions should be facilitated by the discovery of the following information: – establishing the fact and nature of the explosion; – determination of the center of the explosion; – assessment of impressive properties of a detonated explosive device; – determination of the type of detonated explosive device (industrial or self-made), its design features and the mass of the explosive charge used; – determination of the method of detonation used in the design, the mechanism of setting the device into action and the level of special knowledge of the person who manufactured the explosive device; – determination of a possible motive in the action of the criminal/s; – determination of the amount of material damage caused. It is claimed that the specified information should be established during the inspection of the scene of the incident and other investigative (search) actions, counter-intelligence and operative-search measures, covert investigative (search) actions.


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