
  • Maria Melnyk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv




law-making, legal monitoring, labor law, effectiveness of law, legal doctrine


The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the doctrine of labor law through the prism of the context of planning the development of normative legal acts. The article reveals in detail the conceptual apparatus of common concepts outlining the raised problem.It is proven that the words development and planning have the same element, which contains the idea of a certain “action”, “activity”. And the comparison of the terms “development” and “planning” with the term “legal doctrine” makes it possible to trace their relationship in a “certain activity” aimed at obtaining scientific views and ideas in the field of law.Such activity is carried out in rule-making, law-enforcing, law-interpreting activities.Also, in the process of research, it is proved that the prediction of legal models of the future” and “documents of legal forecasting” in the course of law-making activity is a matter of legal monitoring, which is based on a doctrinal idea in particular. This approach made it possible to find out that the purpose of “public policy forward-looking documents” is to “improve efficiency”, and such activities are related to efficiency. The study proves that the question of the effectiveness of the doctrine of labor law in planning the development of normative legal acts should be reduced to “summarization of scientifically based information and the derivation of a doctrinal concept, a theoretical formula for solving a specific problem”. According to the results of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the doctrine of labor law lies in the context of planning the development of normative legal acts, which should be carried out according to the principles of law-making, according to the subject of law-making and subjects of law-making activity. Also, the author states that the essence of the effectiveness of the doctrine of labor law in planning the development of regulatory legal acts is to obtain a result according to which scientific concepts, ideas and theories found an opportunity to provide an assessment of the forecast of those regulatory legal acts that are inplanning and development status.And the legal monitoring itself in relation to the “prism of efficiency” allows to assess the state of the legal doctrine in the course of using the doctrine as a kind of “form of law” suitable to contribute to the development and planning of the NPA according to legislative algorithms.


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