police, democratic police, European standards, European integration, law enforcement agencies, police reform, standards of police work organization.Abstract
The article emphasizes that the construction of a european model of the organization and activity of the National Police is an important direction of the state’s activity and a relevant aspect of ensuring the integrity of the entire law enforcement system in modern conditions of European interstate integration and implementation of European legal standards of legal content into Ukrainian legislation. Modern all-European standards of organization of police work are analyzed. The analysis shows that the normative legal acts defining the key standards of police activity should be grouped into three groups. The first group should include normative legal acts that determine the requirements for candidates and the organization of police service (ethical requirements for police officers, their rights and obligations, conditions of police service, etc.). The second group includes acts that determine the standards of police work (protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment, compliance with the principles of treatment of prisoners, etc.). The third group includes summaries of a scientific and methodological nature, initiated by the bodies of the European Union. The functions and powers of the police are shown in accordance with European legal standards. The author pays attention to individual works and documents that focus on democratic police. It is emphasized that the theory and practice is based on three important components of democratic police: legality, professionalism and controllability. The unity of democratic police and democratic society is shown. The possible risks of democratic police are pointed out. In the context of modern conditions, a democratic police in a democratic state is proposed to be understood as a structure that in its activities embodies democratic principles developed by the experience of democratic countries in order to protect the rights of citizens and vulnerable sections of the population, has a transparent management structure and adheres to the principles of good governance. Taking into account the provisions of article 1 of the Constitution of Ukraine, proposals were made to the Law of Ukraine «On the National Police».
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