administrative offense, light personal transport, scooter, monowheel, segway, misdemeanor, administrative liability, administrative and tort legislation.Abstract
The article examines the relevance of determining the legal status and importance of light personal transport for ensuring road safety in Ukraine. The study of this issue is aimed at determining the administrative liability for offences involving the use of light personal vehicles and the ways to improve administrative and tort legislation. It is substantiated that the need for clear legal regulation of movement by light personal transport is caused by a number of new problems related to road safety. The imperfection of legislation and traffic rules results in a large number of administrative offences related to light personal transport. The article identifies the main types and legal regulation of light personal transport.The author examines the legal regulation of administrative liability in the context of road safety. The current state of administrative offences committed for the use of light personal transport is determined. The most common administrative offences in this area are currently: driving on the carriageway, driving light personal vehicles on the pedestrian part, non-compliance with traffic rules (ignorance of the rules, running red lights, driving on the oncoming lane, etc.), ignoring traffic signals, exceeding the permitted speed, driving light personal vehicles while intoxicated, transporting passengers, and not using protective equipment (helmet, knee pads, knee pads). The author analyses the peculiarities of administrative liability for violation of traffic rules by users of light personal vehicles. Proposals are made on ways to improve the legal regulation of light personal transport. Attention is drawn to the improvements which are required to be made to the administrative and tort legislation of Ukraine regarding light personal vehicles.
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