law-making activity, white papers, green papers, analytical documents of public policy, labor legislation, labor law, labor and closely related relations.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal potential of the green and white papers and it is predicted to influence the improvement and development of the legislation of Ukraine, in particular in the field of labor. Its is analyzed their ability to ensure the methodological unity of improving the legislation in accordance with the goals of the public policy of state, which is reflected in the relevant analytical documents. It is separate emphasized on the fact that the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Law-Making Activities" updates the current approaches to planning law-making activities. The work emphasizes that foreign experience shows the practical effectiveness of the influence of white and green papers on: (a) the quality of preparation of normative legal acts; (b) the scientific and expert validity of the chosen strategy for solving legal problems; (c) formation of the public's ideological readiness for changes in the legal regulation of certain legal relations; (d) interaction of civil society with the state in the process of building and strengthening the democratic and legal foundations of state. It was concluded that the key advantage of white and green papers as analytical documents of public policy in the field of labor is the determination of the goals of state policy, according to which draft laws should be prepared in the future, and already on their basis by-laws in the field of labor. It is claimed that the formation of an ideological basis for the improvement of labor legislation in accordance with the defined goals will provide an opportunity to more effectively achieve the goal of legal regulation of labor and closely related relations. It is argued that green papers are able to reveal different methodological approaches to the solved legal problem, and the further improvement of labor legislation on the basis of the white papers makes it possible to preserve the conceptual unity of legal acts in accordance with the goal of legal regulation defined in the white paper.
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